There is hope
for the future of
your congregation.

Susan Beaumont & Associates, LLC

Consultant. Coach. Author. Spiritual Director.

Is Your Church or Synagogue
Facing These Challenges?


Lack of clarity about your purpose or direction now


Teams that are not performing well together


Inconsistent performance management


Transitions that are fueling ambiguity and anxiety


Leadership structures and systems that are not right for your size

We can help.

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When the Pastor Isn’t Trusted to Supervise

When boards and committees lose faith in the pastor’s supervisory ability, they often intervene in unhelpful ways. They forget or neglect their own oversight responsibility, which is the very thing that could make things right. Instead, they practice micromanagement, or they restrict the authority of the head of staff—practices which, in the end, harm the …

When the Pastor Isn’t Trusted to Supervise Read More »

Holding Steady Post-Election

The election is upon us and so is anxiety. As we await results and anticipate reactions, we fear that our country, our communities, and our congregations may unravel. People often behave badly when captured by anxiety. Leaders react to bad behavior in one of two unhelpful ways: over-control and withdrawal. We focus our energy on …

Holding Steady Post-Election Read More »

Creating vital congregations by connecting the soul of the leader with the soul of the institution.

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