What words would you use to describe the ideal staff team? I frequently pose this question to church leaders and the two words most frequently offered are collaborative and accountable. We want our staff teams to be cooperative, to demonstrate an ease and naturalness in working together that capitalizes on the strength and ingenuity of […]
Read MoreThe large church is managed through five interdependent leadership systems. When change occurs in one system, it tends to produce change in the others. These systems include: Clergy Leadership Roles Staff Team Design and Function Governance and Board Function Acculturation and the Role of the Laity The Formation and Execution of Strategy As daily changes occur […]
Read MoreAll congregations are faced with decisions that can be made by a small leadership body (the governing board, the staff team, a committee) and decisions that must be taken on by the collective body. In the small to medium sized congregation, when full congregational decision making is required, a church-wide meeting is scheduled and a […]
Read MoreI’ve heard this question recently from several of you. Q: I’ve always heard that the governing board of a congregation should grow smaller as the church becomes larger. Why is that? Is there an ideal size? A: Effective boards in every size congregation must tend to three types of work: fiduciary (tending to the stewardship […]
Read MoreMany of the senior clergy leaders I encounter are overburdened with administrative detail that they can’t figure out how to delegate. The common battle cry is, “It’s just easier to do it myself.” Many administrative assistants report having excess time on their hands, but they can’t get their clergy leaders to give them more meaningful […]
Read MoreMost of us expect our clergy staff to demonstrate a strong sense of commitment to the mission of the congregation. We use the language of “called, not hired” to describe the over the top commitment we seek. We also expect our non-ordained program staff to embrace the mission of the congregation. Most program staff are members of […]
Read MoreI began this blog a year and a half ago, in part to help give birth to a book I had in mind about the large congregation. My hope was that the blog would allow me to actively try out ideas and find my voice about life in the large congregation. This week I finished […]
Read MorePut yourself in this senior pastor’s shoes. You’ve had some supervisory challenges with your Minister of Music over the past two years, but she’s a person that you value having on your team. Let’s call this employee Connie. Connie is a brilliantly gifted musician and widely respected within the local musical community. She is liked […]
Read MoreI often find myself in conversations like this one with a senior pastor. Pastor: “I need help thinking about the configuration of my staff team. I’m currently trying to work around 2 key positions that aren’t appropriately staffed right now. There isn’t much I can do in the moment because I’m waiting for these 2 […]
Read MoreRecently, after speaking to a group of pastors about clergy roles in the large church, I was approached by a senior minister who said, “I’m surprised that you didn’t talk about the unique family dynamics that occur for clergy leaders of very large congregations, you know … the invisibility factor.” I stood there looking rather […]
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